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November 03, 2013


Paul Stern

I wholeheartedly agree, Jeff. Although there is still room for a slightly higher high prior to a corrective phase there is too much margin debt amongst other factors that will cause the professionals to position themselves on the short side.

Ironically, those with less experience will probably get caught leaning way too much to the long side. Too many people looking up into the sky when they should be careful that they do not trip on items beneath their shoes…i.e. stocks that are at least temporarily overpriced.

Philip McFaul


In your SA postings, you often point out the misuse of statistics by others. I know of a book that you might want to send to your clients as a holiday present: "Flaws and Fallacies in Statistical Thinking" by Stephen K. Campbell. It explores the misuse of statistical tools found in everyday life, while being written for the layman. Found on Amazon, of course (only $10).

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