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« Weighing the Week Ahead: Can Investors Think Beyond the Bubble Machine? | Main | Weighing the Week Ahead: Will Consumers Open Their Wallets? »

November 19, 2013



In each case A & B both have some amount of merit - in some perhaps one has more than the other. The issue for the individual investor is the cost of trying to time the market, which he inevitably does wrong. As you wisely point out, all of the A arguments could have been made 6 months ago, leading to a pretty horrific missing out on upside.

Really, the individual should focus on asset allocation for the long term, rather than trying to predict the next crash. We are always confronted by our own biases, and attempting to minimize their influence on our investment is paramount.

Paul Stern

Jeff, this appears tp have a Karen Walker format! BTW, going to cash might save you from a4% drop…beyond which there is still the possibility of a 10-=12% drop…either of which probably will be followed by a rally to levels that few expect. Have to shake out the weaker longs first. There are a couple of situations that the patient investor could benefit from holding longer term. i.e. PBR has to get thru 18.00. HAVE A GREAT DAY!


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