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« More Causal Confusion: The FOMC Decision and the Market Reaction | Main | Weighing the Week Ahead: How Likely is a Recession? »

September 22, 2011



Thanks Jeff,

I know certain kinds of posts don't attract as many comments, but are exactly addressing what concerns are in investors' minds. Like what in the world is going on?? At times the drumbeat of negativity is overwhelming. So, I appreciate posts like this and others of yours that try and cut thru the noise with rational questions and data.

As a 13 year old in 65', I favored Mary Ann's wholesome and curvy appeal over Ginger's sexpot parody act. Fortunately, even back then, the show wasn't funny to me.

As far as the analogies to either of those years, in trying to make a 'prediction', neither one is applicable to me since I think we are too far out of that context now. Then again, it's just the media people that 'need' to make predictions, not traders like me. :)

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