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« Weighing the Week Ahead: From One Crisis to Another | Main | Weighing the Week Ahead: All Eyes on Earnings »

July 06, 2011



Thanks, Paul.

I know you share my concern for the average investor.



Thanks. We need reason.


Bill -- Each client has a different asset allocation based upon individual needs. I have some warning indicators to help timing for long-term investors. None of these are flashing a warning right now. It is something that I track every day, and report some of it in my weekly column.

You are certainly right about the difficulty of market timing.



Excellent post and comments. I'll be sending this along to my congressmen also. Keep up the great work!


Hi Jeff,
I have not been regularly following your blog, lately, and so you may have already stated the numbers. But,
what percent are you invested in bonds and equities? If there is a default what kind of correction do you think that there is going to be in the global mkt?

Personally, I remain fully invested. I accept that there may be short term pain but I agree with you that a rebound is going to be rapid. Timing when to get back seems too hard given that 80% of all trading is computer driven. I am willing to risk that the regular investor has strong hands. I am the guy in the street who just assumes that our politicians are coaxed by other politicians to be drama queens. Volatility will be noise and not a trend correction. Having said that, I am not sleeping all that well. What helps is the further assumption that the fundamentals are still regarded as better than equity prices...ergo, stocks are under-valued.


James -- absolutely right. We should always take the time to write, especially on important issues.

In my case, I also sent her a link to the article.



James Williams

"I expect that my own (Republican) Congressperson, whom I have helped to elect, will use her ability to reason and see that this is not the best method for changing policy about taxing and spending. I do not expect her to play poker -- going "all in" on a reckless gamble with the US credit rating. Her constituents have too much at stake, and I trust that she will realize that fact."

You've told us you expect your Rep to be reasonable -- have you told her? Let your electeds know how you feel about this issue.

Paul Nunes

jeff; i hope all your readers appreciate your efforts in this area. great work!

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