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« Weighing the Week Ahead: Has Stock Selling Gone Too Far? | Main | How to Watch and Interpret the Greece Story »

June 14, 2011


Danielle Taylor

I think the important thing to remember is that these tips are for someone with a few years to go before retirement. If I was Jeff and was planning on retiring right now, I might be a little more worried about the market too.

Online Stock Trading for Beginners


James -- Markets thrive on a well-documented list of worries. I don't see anything on the list that makes this point in history worse than most others -- and I think that we have much to celebrate.

I recommend this piece:

Or enter "wall of worry" or "worries" in the search box.

One reason I introduced the SLFSI to my weekly review was to add some objectivity to the process of evaluating risk. It is better than the newspaper!

Meanwhile, if you are in wealth preservation mode, I congratulate you and urge caution. For most of us who still need to create wealth, stocks are part of the picture. There are very few people for whom the correct stock allocation is "zero" yet many make that choice.

Best of luck with your decisions:)


James G. Vanasek

While I appreciate your calm fact driven approach to the market fundamentals and not the noise, there are reasons for great concern. This slow growth environment will not produce adequate returns. Europe and Japan are in deep trouble and the recent articles posted regarding Portugal and Spain as the really dangerous issues in Europe, not Greece, are worth of concern. There will come a point where German tax payers will revolt. Japan was in trouble before the quake and now is in a much more difficult position. China also has public unrest, the biggest single concern of the current leadership. So while I hope you are correct there a many uncertainties and the US debt position could hit a tipping point at any time. Where to invest for retirement? Please tell me but I do not see it in this market.


In my perception, you are more clearly distinguishing between investing and trading on this blog than you used to do, and you are more clearly highlighting the time-frame(s) (usually short) that you are modeling when you make your projections. If that is unfair, I apologize. But in any event, I appreciate it.

Andrew H

A refreshing back to basics reminder. Despite the soundness of the advice it is tough to shut out the noise. I am sitting on my hands at present watching valuations staircase downwards and trying to hold my nerve. I am not sure whether this advice takes into account views on currency exposure in the portfolio. US$ is not my base currency but I have $$ assets and it just adds an extra dimension of complexity. Whither the dollar??? Still, a good article, balanced as ever.

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