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March 16, 2011



Thanks for your update, will keep an eye on this in the near future.

Portfolio Analysis


Proteus - Thanks. Your comment will help all of us in our monitoring.



Regarding chip shipments being interrupted from Japan - I would actually be more concerned with capacitors than ICs. As you say, even one missing part can halt shipments.

Most electronic component manufacturers have facilities in multiple countries, but that doesn't mean they build everything everywhere. They typically divide up production along product lines, and maybe have a secondary factory already qualified to pick up the slack if the primary factory has issues. If a specific factory hasn't built a specific part before, it needs to be qualified, even if the part is well established. This can take weeks to months.

Given that most suppliers build to order rather than stock, we need to assess their spare capacity at their secondary facilities to determine the impact, which would need to be on a case by case basis. My guess is there should be adequate capacity.

Hope this helps.

BTW, even CAT needs electronic parts for their ECMs.

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