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December 28, 2010


Ricardo Delgado

Thank you for this I will be back with my stories of scams done to me now is so common and sophisticated that even big companies like yellow book, Marroni Chevrolet of Miami, at&t Uverse , Direct TVmany and more are using these unscrupulous individuals to sell you their services with false promises or they don't get their commissions after all, they will say we did not instruct them to do that.
I wonder where do they get their training in the first place and ho gets the money for what they sell.
I this economy the target list grows to even people like me that are aware of scams, but they master their trade for years and patiently wait for your weakest moments then they strike, sometimes using people you know without them knowing that they are been used to scam you.


Tom -- Thanks for the link to the helpful article. It is a good story, and everyone will enjoy your humorous touch.


tom brakke

Here's a posting about scammers running amok.


Thanks to Jeff, Jim, and Jim G for the additional suggestions and links!



Thanks for this article. Might I add a book I just read called "Digging for Disclosure" by Kenneth Springer. This book goes into great detail on many ways the unwary get swindled and how to protect yourself.

Best, Jim

Jim G

Oops - meant S A (Seeking Alpha).

Jim G

Jeff - another great post as always. With all due respect as I know you touch on this subject fairly often, but there are many investing sites (and aggregators) who pass themselves off as "experts" or "having special insights." Many, not all, posts on S E deserve special caution.


Hey Jeff,

In "Them Crooked Vultures" we pondered the impact that the scamsters may have on pending securities regulation and the ability for startups and early-stage companies to finance their businesses.


Jeff @ Venture Populist

David Merkel

Dear Jeff,

Especially now, when it is hard for people to earn income without risk, because high quality short rates are low, the risks from receiving and above-average yield are high. Many take a lot of duration or credit risk and do not know it.

Readers, avoid the structured notes that Wall Street purveys, unless that is the exact risk that you want to take, which should be rare.


muck dog

Big scam: "Rated #1 app in the app store."

Pfft. 99-cents down the drain!!!

But seriously, there are some stock charting and prediction apps in there that I'd be wary off.

And right now, I think my biggest worry is the gold stuff. Lots of sites hawking gold with large profit margins for the seller.

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