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« The Quest for Yield | Main | Weighing the Week Ahead: Earnings versus the Economy »

October 14, 2010


jason george

Jeff ~

Thanks so much for your efforts.

This is one of my favorite blogs on the Internet.

Good luck this week!



Thanks to everyone for the encouraging comments. Most bloggers do not do any original research where they have to collect data, verify, analyze and interpret -- all before writing.

It is nice to know that people recognize and appreciate the effort.



Brett -- The one-year estimates on the individual stocks that I follow constitute a mixed bag. I really do not have a good statistical measure. I am frequently focused on finding analyst errors in my universe, so I am not sure it is a good sample.

Good question -- I'll give it more thought.



Tom -- Thanks for following up with a great article. I hope that everyone will take a look:

Meanwhile, there is much more to add to the forward earnings discussion. I know that you have a number of themes and I also have a couple of ideas. I look forward to further discussions.



tom brakke

I followed Jeff's lead and am also taking another look at the McKinsey study and its ripple effects in the blogosphere.

Brett Alexander


Excellent work. One question, do you find that one year earnings forecast for individual companies to also be quite accurate?



Just wanted to comment how valuable your research has been to me and how much I appreciate the effort you put into your blog. Great stuff!



Paul Nunes

This was very helpful Jeff.

Chris Tinker

spot on that should have said...

Chris Tinker

Hi Jeff,

You are spon on here. I have built up an awful lot of analytical work on this over the years and totally agree with your conclusions. 1 year forward earnings are a very important information set - especially when exanmined in relation to changes in expectations andcombined with the year two growth estimate of earnings followeing on from that. I would be happy to share data and resources offline.

kind regards Chris

(note that I've changed email address as I now run my own business )


Thank you for this insightful article.

I have discovered your blog about two years ago, and it's always a pleasure to read. I regard it as one of my most valuable sources.


Mike C

Appreciate the level of work that went into this note! Good stuff

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