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December 07, 2009



Thank you for a thoughtful explanation and for debunking the conspiracy theorists' response to all surprizes, particularly upside surprizes. I also agree with your hypothesis in "Dumbing Down the News" and believe it has a major affect on the conspirators' thought processes.


As usual, insightful and informative. You deserve a gold star.


Grasp - The trend is for better (less bad) numbers, in line with what we are seeing from other indicators like ISM and jobless claims. The improvement is coming more slowly and from a lower level than the recent reports would seem to indicate.

Thanks for helping me clarify this.



Thank you for you insight, I look foward to reading the "more to come" part. I understand your points, and I will have to study your work more. If you get a chance, could you explain where you believe the trend is headed. I understand that you disagree with the number, but where, in your best estimation are we headed? Thanks for you time.


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