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September 30, 2009



Did you get a look at this?

In accordance with usual practice, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics is announcing its preliminary estimates of the upcoming annual benchmark revision to the establishment survey employment series. The final benchmark revision will be issued on February 5, 2010, with the publication of the January 2010 Employment Situation news release.

Each year, the Current Employment Statistics (CES) survey employment estimates are benchmarked to comprehensive counts of employment for the month of March. These counts are derived from state unemployment insurance tax records that nearly all employers are required to file. For national CES employment series, the annual benchmark revisions over the last 10 years have averaged plus or minus two-tenths of one percent of total nonfarm employment. The preliminary estimate of the benchmark revision indicates a downward adjustment to March 2009 total nonfarm employment of 824,000 (0.6 percent).


Don't tell that #1 to that goofball from "Shadow Statistics" John Williams. He's constantly grumbling about Bill Clinton when it was the Boskin Commission report findings that were implemented.

John Williams, just another liar who gets people to hate Presidents.

Somebody needs to audit him.


Thanks, David.

David Merkel

You are going to have to fix your last link. Aside from that, good article. I don't have problems with the unemployment statistics, though my old employer did.

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