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June 08, 2009



Mike C -- (and Mike)

I apologize for the careless confusion. I hope that my comments apply accurately to both of you -- astute consumers, wiser than the multitudes.

I hope that is my mainstream audience!


Mike C

But I do agree with Mike above, you, and Barry.

Unfortunately, I think you are absolutely right that a thoughtful discussion would be a ratings disaster.

I'd love to see you, Barry, John Hussman, and Grantham around a table for a 30 minute discussion on the economy and markets, but I suspect that would bore the hell out of most people who would tune out in the first 2 minutes with a bunch of wonky academic types.

Mike C

Different Mike above :)


Mike C -- Your preferences are a perfect illustration. You are far from the typical consumer of this information.

If the viewing public was more like you, the nature of CNBC shows would be very different.

As usual, thanks for taking the time to comment.


Thank you Barry and thank you Jeff. All I can say is amen, brothers. I, too, miss Lou, his show, and his guests a lot. I'd love to see Bill Griffeth host a replacement on PBS. "Wealthtrack" comes closest to what financial television ought to be, in my opinion.

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