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February 16, 2009



Venn, care to elaborate on what PERCENTAGE of total U.S. wages + benefits the NET impact of job losses comprises?

... and what that means on the margin?


Very interesting statistics. Makes for an interesting read.


The salary and benefits of these jobs are a huge part of the equation, not to mention the hard-to-measure things like applicability of skills, and the "good jobs" arguments.


Hey Jeff--Why don't you create a new jobs barometer and publish it widely. You'll be rich. Famous. Go on CNBC! I can see it now--John Challenger in one box, you in the other, and Larry Kudlow lavishing you with praise!

Seriously, thanks for your balanced perspective, as always.

Mike C

"The big story for the mainstream media sources is always negative."

I heard somewhere there was a "conspiracy of optimism". :) I guess we all view the world through our respective lenses.

On a different note, taking the 30,000 ft top down view looking out 5-10 years instead of of the daily noise from this pundit or that pundit or various politicians, the question I am contemplating (and might make an interesting blog post) is "What is normal"?

See also Ray Dalio's piece in Barrons (It's a D-process)

Is normal the economy of the past several years prior to the 2008 deleveraging, or is this the new normal? Was the economy of this decade a "phony" economy juiced by unrealistic asset and housing appreciation and unsustainable MEW withdrawals? Or is what we are experiencing now the mother of all panic overreactions before a more sustainable higher growth pattern resumes?

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