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« Recession Expectations: An Important Anomaly | Main | Good Games and Time Frames »

April 16, 2007



Ward and REW (whose site I read), and also James.

Thanks for stopping by and making your comments.

It is very helpful to have such thoughtful observations.



James Ramos


this is a great post. It definitely puts things in context.




Jeff wrote:
"In the service sector it is just as dramatic. There is a tendency for us to think that service jobs are all low-paying and menial. In fact, most of those reading this are engaged in high-paying service work."

Very true. This is a great reminder for those thinking about the state of the economy. Great post, and not a damned statistic in it.


In addition to the increments you mention, the higher you go up the knowledge worker scale the more there seems to me to be a component of work that could be described as simply thinking about what you should do, money manager, lawyer, even doctors, greater productivity allows for that and it generates more productivity as well.

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